Covid 19 Prevention

Superior Hypogastric
Plexus Block


The superior hypogastric block can be used for the treatment of pain arising from the organs in the pelvis or the lower part of the abdomen. The nerves that are blocked would typically be sending messages to the bladder, uterus, prostate and other organs in the pelvis. This injection can be useful in determining where your pain may be coming from and may provide short-term pain relief.

What to expect

This procedure is typically performed in an operating room suite. For this procedure you lay on your stomach. After the doctor identifies the target site with an X-ray machine, a small needle is used to numb the skin. The doctor will then position the needle using multiple views of the X-ray machine. Once the needle is in position he will inject a medication that causes pressure. Typically, effective relief will occur immediately following the injection.


This is a same day procedure and recovery time is minimal. Rest or light activity is suggested for the first 24 to 48 hours following the injection. The relief from the injection will typically last from days to even weeks. Complications are rare, but contact your doctor if you have any bleeding, redness or change in bowel or bladder habits.